GÄSTGIVAREGÅRDCONFERENCE HotelRestaurantWelcome to Staffanstorps. .


I recently heard Hasse Andersson's happy and catchy song "Gold and Green Forests" and suddenly thought of the parties that used to be held in Gästi's garden, especially the lyrics "The musicians played as if the fire was out. The boys from Sjöbo each swung a girl."

With Midsummer just around the corner and celebrated at Gästis, it feels a bit fun to connect to what it was like in the garden in the past.

For many decades, parties and dances were the big event here in the town. There were often parties and gatherings on Fridays and Saturdays that started at the sports field and ended at Gästis.

BK Aktiv and GIF built their own dance floor which was set up for their joint parties in the Gästisträdgården. This dance floor was later also rented out to other associations.

There were two entrances to the dance floor, one between the stables and guest house where a shed was set up where raffle tickets were sold and one at the end of Hotellvägen where a beautiful wrought iron gate was set up.

When guys from surrounding towns appeared and cast passing glances at the "himmatös" the smock hung in the air. It is said that a kamikaze pilot on a combat mission could feel safer than these old guys.