The good things of life
Hello, my name is Anitha Sweder-Thorstensson and I am basically a lawyer.
I work with real estate rentals and am part of the Gästisfamiljen, where I do Facebook posts, translations, hold Stiletto lunches and am currently also working on the interior design of our hotel. In addition, I love food & wine, people & travel.
Feel free to follow along in my blog where I portray Gästis from my perspective!
This summer I spent three weeks in Antibes, France, enjoying the food and drink, the beautiful [...]
At Gästis, we are passionate about the Scanian culinary craft, and that undeniably also includes the seasoning of […]
John Lindau-who was it? In our hotel we have a room called Länsman. In Staffanstorp was […]
Around New Year's it is popular to reflect on the year that has just come to an end, [...]
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