GÄSTGIVAREGÅRDCONFERENCE HotelRestaurantWelcome to Staffanstorps. .

Who lives here?

In room 108 you will find a person who used to have an ordinary profession. A person who lived a wandering life and sold services!

Here in Staffanstorp we have had a well-known one like that. He often cycled through the community in torn clothes and sat outside Konsum and drank his beer.
He was good at his job and was occasionally hired by people, but he would cut off anyone who tried to haggle.


His name was Carl Johansson and he became really famous when the photographer Mikael Kristersson made a documentary about him.


The authorities wanted to give him a roof over his head and installed him in a house called the America House.
Carl, who preferred to sleep outside in the summer and in the farmers' barns in the winter, had difficulty finding his way in the house.
But one day he decided to do something nice, bought wallpaper and put up the whole roll vertically - over windows and doors. Then he solved the problem of getting out by cutting openings for windows and doors. As word spread, curious villagers flocked there to watch, whereupon Carl flew into a rage and threw empty bottles at them through the unopened window.

He thrived in the outdoors and longed for freedom and returned to his way of life and later died of a heart attack out there where he felt at home.

What profession did he have?

As a curiosity, it can be mentioned that "Who lives here" was recently broadcast from Staffanstorp and Gamla Posten, which is close to both the hotel and Gästis <3