What do Vendeltidsdagar and Mikael Rickfors have in common? Absolutely nothing except that both events took place on the same day!
What a fantastic weekend we have had!!! Fantastic fun but also very demanding.
Already on Friday we were out building a bar counter in the tents in Uppåkra and picking up benches from Evivent and parasols from Gästis.
Alejandra, who runs Lilla Trädgårdscaféet, wanted to create a cozy atmosphere and called in family and friends to bring out sofas and tables, chairs, coolers and a cooler. Österlenbryggarna came out with an extra cooler to cover our needs.
In addition to preparing all this, of course the food had to be prepared too. Alejandra and her little sister Nathali made foccacia with toppings, wrapped them in plastic and got them ready to grill the next day, prepared salads and cookies. Gästis cooked a hearty chili stew, vegetarian stew and kettle sausage with sauerkraut.
Brilliant sunshine, 28 degree heat and a fantastic program attracted up to 7000 visitors!
When the first day came to an end, everything in the dishes was also gone. It was just a matter of rolling up the sleeves and starting a new production. The difficulties at events like this are predicting how many guests will show up and how many of them will want to eat or drink something.
Adam, who was also there, then had to rush off to Gästis where there was a big turnout because the evening also offered a big and much-appreciated event – a summer evening on stage with rock icons Mikael Rickfors, Louise Raeder, Jonas Wernefort and the Livekollektivet. A wonderful evening we can offer you guests thanks to our sponsors Guldkanalen, Kornheddinge bryggerikompani, Lokaltidningen Spegeln & Lilla Trädgårdscaféet in Uppåkra.
Just before the notes to "When a man loves a woman" Mikael Rickfors told that he proposed to Louise Raeder and that she said yes. Love is in the air <3
High mood in the wonderful summer evening, catchy music that got the audience going and, on top of that, a really delicious summer buffet!